Friday, 2 January 2015

Murray River

All taken at Port of Echuca.
I then took a drive from Moama to Barham on the NSW side of the Murray taking a few days to do a round trip back to Echuca. This was the week before Xmas. There are beautiful spots all along the Murray worthy of having a camera along. I drove a few back roads off the main road and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the farms, farmers at work, hay bales and general history along the way.

Two different types of baling hay. The first being the one I remember as a child.

Then came the modern round bales of today.

A water channel which supplied the farmers with water from the Murray


  1. Marge, did you ever get yourself a bird identification book?

  2. HI john and Wendy, Yes I did, I actually ended up with two. I bought the Simpson and Day Field Guide. Then a few weeks later I picked up a Readers Digest one for $2 at an op shop.
