Wednesday, 6 August 2014

West Peawah - Balla Balla - Whim Creek

West Peawah - Balla Balla - Whim Creek
Leaving Pt. Hedland we travelled south on the next leg of our journey through some sparse looking countryside. Lots of scrub, some cattle and more of the Mesa type of hills in all directions.
Thankfully the rain stopped the day we left making the trip more enjoyable.
One thing we are not seeing a lot on this trip is natural wildlife. Very disappointing. Have seen one dingo just off the road side, one tiny lizard at Balla Balla as it disappeared into the long grass. Lots of birdlife but wonder what has happened to all the ground walking animals.
Maybe we just haven't been into the areas where they live. Will have to go back and do this all again, not missing out on some very interesting places we should have gone to.
We finally made our way to West Peawah which is a good roadside stop next to the bridge, with toilet and a dump point and a very interesting shelter with picnic tables.
Hadn't been there long when Colleen realised there was something terribly wrong with her dog Denis. He had completely collapsed having no use of his back legs at all and no energy to try. As Colleen had got Denis through a rescue program she only new he had a heart condition but no other information.
We sat with him all afternoon knowing at 12 years he had seen a good life and might not make it through the night. Complete surprise to see he had made it through the night but was still in a bad way, so Colleen headed back to Pt. Hedland to get him to the vet. After tests, x-rays etc. they found his heart is in a bad way and have put him on heart medication and fluid pills with no guarantee how long he has left.
We stayed at Peawah for 3 days for Denis to recuperate before heading south and into Balla Balla turning off at Whim Creek just north of Karratha.
Thankfully Denis has made a full recovery for now, seems to be back to his cheeky ways with that silly grin on his face when he knows he's been naughty.
Colleen took him to the vet in Karratha a week later and has been given a bigger supply of both medications as he does need them to stay alive.
Balla Balla Inlet turned out to be an excellent spot for an extended stay. There is a 15 ks drive in off the main road from Whim Creek, being a dirt road but graded regularly by a very friendly grader driver.
After nearly a week we popped into Karratha to stock up on Water, Gas, Groceries and Fuel and came back for another week to explore, take photos and relax in a very restful situation.
The birdlife here is incredible with every day seeing a different bird in the same place out from our camp. Some species I have never even heard of before e.g. Spinifex Pidgeon, Blackfaced Cuckoo Shrike, plus Seagulls, Pelicans, Pied Cormorant, Little Finches with red faces, beaks and under tail but too quick for my camera.
Also Rainbow Bee Eaters, which are just gorgeous in their green and yellow markings. Black Swans, White Egrets.
Denis is making a full recovery for the time being and back to his mischievous self which has thrilled us all. Medication is working well.
The cattle pass by every day both behind us and across the water. Not sure if it's the same herd taking a detour or an entirely different herd. There are some very large bulls with them keeping all the girls in line. A lot of noise in the evening tells us when they are out there, mooing loudly. During the day we can't miss them as a very large herd.
We learnt today of a 7ft tiger snake has been seen down in one of the camps a few hundred metres away from us. It can stay there thank you.
Balla Balla Inlet seems to be a favourite spot with travellers as it is quite packed now along the river bank. There are no amenities here so must be fully self contained.
This morning we woke up to gale force winds that carried on all day. Spent most of the day in our vans keeping out of the way. Although it has been very hot the wind made it totally impossible to sit outside. These gale force winds have turned into 2 days now with wind gusts of 35 ks an hour from reading my Accuweather gauge.
Colleen has had her awning out for the last few days and found it impossible to get it rolled back in, until it calmed down about 5pm when we held it still for her while she did the necessary work to get it back in. Won't be putting it out again while we are here as moving on in a few days.
Another day later and still gale-force winds. Impossible to do much at all, have heard on the radio these conditions are all the way from Karratha to Pt. Hedland. Moving on tomorrow, Wednesday, to the coast area taking in Roebourne, Wickham, Point Samson and Cossack.

Black faced Cuckoo Shrike

White Egret

The big daddy of them all

I made a wish

Flying Pelican

Pied Cormorant

Two beautiful little Rainbow Bee Eaters

Sea Eagle

Spinifex Pigeon

West Peawah

Space age looking rest area


  1. Hi Marj
    Great story and just beautiful photos.....I dream i am somewhere like that instead of freezing my backside off down here... :-)
    Safe travels.

  2. Thanks Judy, It's great to get some feedback and know someone is reading them.
