Thursday, 18 September 2014

Central Wheatbelt WA

After a fortnight of wandering around the central wheatbelt exploring all manner of roads from main roads to back roads, I have to say I will be sorry to leave the area. I am sure there is much more to see and may come back.
Starting at New Norcia which is further north, I headed down towards this area travelling through some fantastic countryside of green rolling hills with cropping showing a lot of yellow being canola and lots of wheat etc.  as well. Naming these towns as I have gone over the last fortnight I have also doubled back a few times, Toodyay, Northam, Meckering, Cunderdin, Kellerberrin, Merredin, Bruce Rock, Shackleton, Kwolyin, Quairading, Corrigin, Kondinin, Kulin, back to Kondinin, Hyden, Wave Rock, back to Kondinin, Gorge Rock, and back to Kulin.
The reason being I would go over my maps at night and decide I must see a particular interest, so change my next days plans  to head off into the distance to check up on something else.
Every small town has it's uniqueness with something different to take my eye making it necessary to stop a while and check things out. Some towns are nearly gone with only one or two shops left as in Shackleton with only it's smallest bank in Australia and Steve's Sculptures of special interest. There is a shop/supermarket there but having gone inside and met the old gentleman who runs it, I wondered just how it keeps going. He does also run the Post Office from inside the shop so maybe a lot of farmers in the area use the post office. There was no groceries on the shelves so they certainly wouldn't be going there for their weekly grocery stock up.
No matter which town I ended up in all the locals were very friendly and so helpful, so sad to see such dying towns. Kondinin would have to have the best café I've been in for a while, in an old house on Jones Street, I was able to sit out in the garden amongst the wildflowers, just had to be careful not to stand on them as the tables and chairs were actually in the garden, so restful. I had the best hamburger there one day. Called The Jones Street Burger at $9.00 it's a must. The next burger I buy will be a disappointment after having that one. Why didn't I take a photo of it???
I did take photos of quite a few of the Tin Horses around Kulin, it took me two days to find them, not sure if that is all but I would imagine so. Some were just magic and really worth a look and a laugh. Some needed a bit of TLC to bring them back up to where they should be holding their place on this interesting highway.

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